Monday, September 3, 2012

11th hour

killer instinct combined with violent intentions creates the unshakable resolve to be the strongest when being strong and hunger to be stronger is all you got left is what PRIMAL RESOLVE is..

the 11th hour...i've heard this phrase before at one of my was when things wasn't goin too well and i needed to change something i was doin or be doomed to oblivion...well not in those words but that's what it meant in my head. well i i face it again...and chose to fight. period. jay cutler was faced with this as well last year...he chose to fight. branch warren the same. he chose to fight. ed coan. same there. and the list goes on...what does the 11th hour do to a man?

Thursday, July 19, 2012


its the last've had an off day. shit hasn't felt easy...your about out of gas...your pre workout is gone and you have a painful set of reps to do. so you glance at the bar. its not forgiving. you glance at it know its fuckin with u but your tired. your dripping every drop of water u put in. u grasp the bar. squeezing is a task. every second is hesitate...your strength goes with it. so its now or the pain returns more vicious than weakness sets in comes the push and....wait...u sat it down....


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

fReAkfAcToR tips!

fReAkfAcToR tip: if u fail to hit your reps...turn it into a rest pause set and continue to overshoot. NEVER MISS A REP as my bro garrett griffin would say...PUSH HARDER BROTHERS!

4th of July fReAkfAcToR tip cuz I know my freak brothers are hittin it today. If ur running out of weight to kill...then kill reps. Pyramid up in reps instead of weight. This still is takin a weight and doin it as many times as u can..but increasing the mininum reps of every if ur doin low reps..u wld do 10-12-15 or high..u wld do 15-20-30(example). Basic Ff protocol still applies...just ur going up in reps every set...while the weight stays the same. U go up in weight from session to session accordingly but u much achieve the mininum reps every set...pick ur weights wisely and if u fail to meet the mininum...weight stays the same til u overshoot that go mUtAtE

Monday, June 4, 2012

your worst still here.

still can't hear about now?

basic Ff arsenal for dieting and supplementation

Ok, now I'm pretty sure any lifter knows about supplements and there's a lot of them out there that not one person knows which to use. sometimes simple is best when dealing with supplements and if your hardcore lifter you defintely need a fuckin arsenal to help u train harder...using freakfactor! So i'll name off the supps worth using and beneficial to you as well as how to approach your own diet. 

The stack that football players use is....weight gainer and creatine. Weight Gainer is an athlete's best friend. The stuff works to put on muscle weight fast since it's protein and creatine serves to give you strength and lean muscle that you need. With these two together, a hardcore lifter would add size quickly. Protein is the muscle-builder and you need this stuff, especially after your workout. Reason? Because after you workout, your body needs the protein to heal up and get ready for the next workout. If it doesn't get it in time or at all, it will feed on either body fat (big guys) and/or your own muscles (smaller or leaner guys). If it feeds off of your muscles, then your recovery time will slow down and by the time you workout again, you could be still in pain, because your body hasn't healed yet. Also when your training your expending alot of calories and carbs..a weight gainer is best to replenshing those lost traits after a training session and recovering. i even recommend takin regular whey protein before bed and a weight gainer post workout You must get in a protein or a weight gainer 1-2 times daily depending on how your body responds. And that's another thing, you have to listen and watch your body. The more you know about it, the more you'll learn how it works. I also recommend taking creatine pre and post workout as your body can use it in that time frame the most effectively. most of your pre workouts now like JACK3D have creatine in it that will serve to benefit you greatly and products like FUSION BODYBUILDING's purple k work pre and post workout. i've experimented with takin a pre-workout plus creatine pre workout to make the pre-workout work more effectively and its work. gotta load up the water BIG TIME and pound a carb-like drink like karbolyn, blox, or my fav...USPLABS modern BCAA during your workout. the results are amazing and strength and size gains are worth it. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

fReAkfAcToR tip

do ur drop sets FIRST instead of last and then do ur worksets followed by an RPF(or HIT RPF). This is to throw ur body for a loop and I know a lot of u out there love drop sets...give it a shot

Saturday, May 26, 2012

the walkin dead

this is where we are now...fuckin pathetic.

era of pussification...this is where we are now. a world where handouts are given so that others don't have to work for it. a world where others a reward for mediocre things like BEIN EVERYONE ELSE!!a world where people ONLY invest time into "surefire" things or "gurantees" so that they don't have to worry about losing or failing. a world where following the steps of others is easier than forging our own. a world where its easier to follow than to lead. a world where doin things with intensity and passion is taboo. its a sickening thought to hear let alone something to see everyday. where people walk goin thru a "routine"...committing to the true definition of insanity...doin the same thing over and over and expecting the same result everytime and live life without intensity or passion....thus the walking dead. you cannot live life this way. what? ur too scared to fail? what if you lose? so what? man the fuck up and add some fire under your ass. u don't want to lose? who the fuck does. get after that shit with some intensity and passion. don't let it fuckin happen and if it does..rise about the shit. its that simple. what if your friends don't like what u do? FUCK 'EM. they weren't in the first place. they should be at your side and not behind u waitin to catch u when u fail. be prepared to walk alone if u have to but u won't. have the guts to do what u want and not be fuckin afraid to live. when u attack things in life with intensity and passion...your resolve won't be changed or or lose...that won't die.

Monday, May 21, 2012

perception is reality

"perception is reality"...i've heard this time and time and out of my gym. and its true...but the part that is bullshit is that its enforced by "other people" or the voices of petty human, bitches, haters, etc...they fuckin create that perception and develops into reality that changes your reality as an animal...

fuck that! YOU control that change it! you control what their reality is cause in the end, we are the dominate species...not them! i'm not saying listen to the haters, use it as fuel to change that fuckin perception. nuthin feels better than makin a jackass out of all of them without so much as a word from you. real men of strength show their strength thru their actions not words. do that. allow them to think one way about you. you work on what's real, changing that fuckin perception cause you cannot deny what reality is. it is what is is. i heard another quote from a movie:
"perception is reality. i chose to create mine and others chose to accept it"

is this true. yes. you have to chose to create that perception. the other part is not true. actions can speak so loud that others CANNOT deny it. others WILL accept it. if they don't, they can't deal with reality. PERIOD! so take this one in stride. be wary of what you say to the next person...cause you never know when they plan on changing your fuckin perception and making reality undeniable. cause in this game whether its bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, MMA, don't earn respect these fuckin take it!

perception is reality. i chose to create mine and others will accept it!