Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glute-Ham Raise

Big C...T-Bar Rows to failure

315 lbs Strict Overhead press

Reverse Band Deadlift & Deadlift for reps

Camber Box Squat 700 lbs for 2

Blake Weller raw 504

Heavy squat day 2-19-11

Iron Sport Gym's Planet Fitness response

Squat 555x5

Squats up to 585lbs

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Power of Five By Gavin Westenburger



Five. This is probably one of the best numbers a powerlifter or strongman can ever utilitze. Five sets, five reps. . .always pushing heavy weight, always trying to add the next five pounds.

So what's with this number five. How do you use it in your workout? Going back to old school roots of powerlifting five comes into play all the time. Most notably in the 5-4-3-2-1 workout or the 8-6-6-4-4 workout. I bet your wondering what these workouts are and the best ways to use them. . .well wonder no further, I will let you know.

First let's start with the 8-6-6-4-4 workout. This routine can be used in all aspects of your training, from bench, to squats, shoulder press, rows, lat pull down, hell even for curls if you want. It is a great way to set goals, meet them, and exceed them in the aim of getting as strong as possible. The basics of how the routine works: on a day you are feeling up to it, max on whatever exercise you feel like needs work. Once you have determined your max for that specific lift, you can implement the 8-6-6-4-4 routine. On week one, you will start with 60% of your max for your set of 8, 65% of your max for the two sets of 6, and 70% of your max for your two sets of 4. The on week two you start with 65% for your set of 8, 70% for the sets of 6, and 75% for the sets of 4. Keep going like this, increasing the starting weight 5% of your max until you can do you max for your sets of 4. If you notice the power of five here, you do 5 sets for each lift and increase the weight 5% each week. You don't want to over train the lifts you are doing so sticking with no more then five sets per lift is perfect. That way you can get the maximum out of your workout without risking the injuries that can come with over training.

Now for my favorite, the 5-4-3-2-1 workout. This is a prime power workout and not for the faint of heart. This workout can be done at your own discretion when it comes to weights. The basic idea behind this routine is to push as much weight for reps as you can. I primarily use it for my squat work, and have used it for bench and shoulder work in the past as well. The only thing you need to remember with this one is to make equal jumps between your weights. Drawing on the power of five theme here, I would recommend a minimum weight jump of 25lbs (5 X 5) per set. In my squat routine, I make 50lb jumps in between my working sets starting at 550lbs for 5 reps and ending at 750lbs for 1 rep. If done right and consistently you can build a lot of raw power with this routine. Since you are always working each weight to your maximum capactiy (don't pick weights that you know you can do for say 5 or 4 reps, pick weight that are harder for you to do in these rep ranges) you will build a lot of overall power. Again, since you are only doing 5 sets here, you won't risk over training injuries.

Think about five. Five pounds, five reps, five sets. Something you incorporate into your everday lifting routines. Well now you can change it up a bit, try the 8-6-6-4-4 to make steady last gains, or for those of you who like to push to the edge, do a heavy 5-4-3-2-1 routine and watch as people crowd around you and stare when you are pressing more weight then they have ever seen. Trust me, the routines work. I have used them on and off in my training for the last 10 years and I didn't get this big just doing weights I knew I could handle. Be well, lift heavy. For any questions, email me at liftgod@hotmail.com

I am not including any sample workouts with these routine descriptions this time because the 8-6-6-4-4 and 5-4-3-2-1 have so many potential uses for gym lifts that it is up to you to find the best way to incorporate these into your existing workouts.

Train like a Bodybuilder by Gavin Westenburger




OK. So most of us don't
train like bodybuilders, or eat like them, or do anything similar to
what they do. I will be the first to let you know that my diet consists
of food, lots of food, all the time. I eat big to stay big, nothing
more and I don't worry about the good and bad fats, or timing my carbs
here or there to make tomorrow's workout even better. Honestly, that
just seems a bit much to me.

Getting on to the real subject,
bodybuilders, but more specifically training like a bodybuilder. The
fact of the matter here is that, even though our goal is to become as
strong as possible, the typical power lifter or strongman workout routine
just might not always work. Bodybuilders are not only some of the most
jacked guys you'll ever see, but they are some of the strongest guys
you will ever see. Taking that into account, maybe what they do for
their training will not only help you lean up a bit, but it might even
make you stronger.

Over the years I have tried
a bunch of stuff to try to get bigger, get stronger, and keep my muscles
feeling big, strong, and tight all the time. Through a lot of trial
and error, I managed to breakdown a decent routine that gives me those
feelings. I don't use this workout routine exclusively, but whenever
I feel like it would work well in my overall training schedule. For
instance, the last 5 weeks I have been nursing a partially torn left
oblique, so I have had to modify my leg workouts during the week to
put as little strain on the area as possible. So you can use these workouts
as you see fit in your own training schedules.

The focus of these workouts
is “the pump”. You all know the feeling, when your muscles feel
like they are going to burst out of your skin. This is the key to these
routines. Below I will have sample workouts for several muscle groups,
and I will explain how everything works.

Workout 1: Shoulders

Exercise 1: Tri-set
– rear delts (on machine), front dumbbell raises, dumbbell  lateral
raises: each set will consist of all three exercises back-to-back-to- back
with no rest. Each leg of the sets will be 12-15 reps, making 1 set
36- 45 reps total. Do this exercise for 4 sets with 30-45 seconds rest
in  between sets.

Exercise 2: Seated
dumbbell military press – complete 4 sets of military press at 12-15
 reps per set taking 45-60 seconds rest in between sets. The last set
will be a  single drop set, so after completing the first 12-15 reps
drop to a weight no  more then 50% of what your previous weight was (so
if you used 100lb  dumbbells for the first part of the set, do no drop
any lower then 50lbs) and  rep out to failure.

Exercise 3: Wide
grip upright rows – the name says it all. Complete 4 sets of wide
grip  upright rows at 12-15 reps per set with 30-45 seconds rest in between
sets.  Make sure you squeeze your shoulders and traps at the top of each
rep to  really get the pump in your shoulders.

Exercise 4: Cable
lateral raise giant set – complete 4 sets back-to-back-to-back, no
rest  at all in between sets at 15-20 reps per set, alternating from
left to right. So  you would do 15-20 reps on the right, then immediately
do 15-20 reps on  the left, and then go back to the right and so on for
4 sets total per side.

Workout 2: Back

Exercise 1: Straight
bat lat pull down – using a straight lat bar, do 4 sets of 15-20 reps
 taking 30-45 seconds rest in between sets. You can do this exercise
to the  front or back, depending on what is more comfortable for you.

Exercise 2: Bent
over rows – with a straight bar, complete 4 sets of bent over rows
at 12- 15 reps per set with 60-90 seconds rest in between sets. Like
with military  press, the last set of this group will be a single drop
to failure. The same  rules apply, do not drop any lower then 50% of
the weight that you did for  your last set and rep out to failure.

Exercise 3: Double-sets:
regular lat pull down and underhand pull down – complete 4  sets with
at 12-15 reps per set with 60-90 seconds rest in between sets. For  this
exercise you will do 12-15 reps of regular lat pull down and then  immediately
switch to an underhand pull down for 12-15 reps and that will  be a complete

Exercise 4: Shrugs
– nothing special here. Complete 4 sets of shrugs at 20-30 reps per
set  with 30-45 seconds rest in between sets.

Workout 3: Legs

Exercise 1: Leg extension/hamstring
curl supersets – again nothing special here.  Complete 4 sets at 12-15
reps per set with 45-60 seconds rest in between  sets.

Exercise 2: Squats
– these can be done free or on a smith machine. Complete 4 sets at
 12-15 reps per set with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets. The last set
will be  a single drop set to failure with the same rules as before.

Exercise 3: Leg press
– nothing special. Complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps a set with 60-90
 seconds rest in between sets. The last set will be a single drop set
to failure,  with the same rules as before.

Exercise 4: Leg extension/stiff-legged
deadlift superset – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps  per set with 60-90
seconds rest in between sets.

Workout 4: Arms

Exercise 1: Double-sets:
cable curls and dumbbell curls – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps  per
set with 30-45 seconds rest in between sets.

Exercise 2: Straight
bar curls – nothing special here. Complete 4 sets of straight bar
curls  at 12-15 reps a set with 45-60 seconds rest in between sets.

Exercise 3: Superset:
machine curls/tricep press down – again the name says it all.  Complete
4 sets at 12-15 reps a set with 30-45 seconds rest in between sets.

Exercise 4: Cable
kick-backs – complete 4 sets at 15-20 reps per set with 30-45 seconds
 rest in between sets.

Exercise 5: Close-grip
bench – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps a set with 60-90 seconds  rest
in between sets. The last set will be a single drop set to failure,
same  rules as before.

Workout 5: Chest

Exercise 1: Double-sets:
incline dumbbell press and incline flyes – complete 4 sets at 12- 15
reps a set with 45-60 seconds rest in between sets.

Exercise 2: Flat
bench – nothing special here. Complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps per set
with  60-90 seconds rest in between sets. The last set will be the same
single drop  set to failure.

Exercise 3: Flat
bench flyes – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps per set with 30-45 seconds
 rest in between sets.

Exercise 4:
Incline bench – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps per set with 60-90 seconds
rest  in between sets. The last set will be a single drop set to failure.

Exercise 5:
Machine decline bench – complete 4 sets at 12-15 reps per set with
30-45  seconds rest in between sets.

These workouts are pretty
harsh if you are not used to doing high rep routines, but trust me they
do work. My one recommendation with these is, don't do all 5 in the
same week, and don't use them for your primary training schedule. These
workouts are for when you feel like you need to do something different
for a little while, or for me, I use them when I am injured because
you still get a great workout, and since the reps are so high with these
workouts, you can't ever to get max weights, so you put a lot less strain
on your body. If you have any questions regarding the workout, feel
free to email me at liftgod@hotmail.com.



200 lb+ biceps curl - Louis-Philippe Jean

Vince Urbank 500 Raw Bench, 840 Single-ply Deadlift APF OBB Meet

Greg "Mutant" Doucette 380 for 15.5 raw bench 206 train weight Feb 19 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Louis-Philippe Jean 202,5 kg/445.5lb push press

SPF Push Pull 02 19 2011

Shae Jones 525 BP @ SPF Longhorn Classic 2-19-11

Jim Wendler - Squat 505x3

Rick Hussey's Big Iron Deadlift Day 2-16-2011

2010 World's Strongest Man Contest Heat 1 Part 1 of 3

525 lb close grip incline press

Juggernaut Training Systems-855 pull by Dan Harrison

Juggernaut Training Systems-Chad Smith 805 squat

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Curt curling 150lbs

Kathy Fields breaking in shirt - 365x3

Bobby Fields deadlifting 525 for 8

140kgx3 push press

Rick Hussey's Big Iron Bench Day 2-7-2011

Garrett Gunz Griffin Raw 505lb squat sponsored by Team BOAD Team Force F...

Team Super Training: Max Effort Bench 2-10-2011

800 lb Deadlift RAW- Aaron Anderton

Strength Feat Compilation *NEW*

deadlifts 655 4x1 , 1x3 Squats 500 x 8

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday Training

Kevin Frasard- Ez Bar Curls 185x5 Reps

eyes of a cannibal

 When Michalik trained, the fires of hell burned in his eyes. The man was an animal. I lived each waking moment anticipating the ass kickin' workouts that lay ahead that day and wondering how in hell I would be able to overcome them. I lived by a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche: "That which will not kill you will only make you stronger."- j.defendis

what's so fuckin amusing?

is it what i'm doin? how i'm doin it?

is it that i'm not doin shit you way?

is it that i'm different than you?

is it because i don't do what everyone else does, what u find me doin is amusing to you?

amusement. that's really funny. what i find amusing is your lack of hunger....your lack of heart. everyone finds the animal in cage funny...til its unleashed. then it isnt' so funny anymore. why is that? they sit and taunt it...laugh at it...mock it...its ok then right? it must be. they are sittin comfortable. shit changed when they realize the eyes of the cannibal are fuckin real.

is that amusing?

tell me. what give u the flyin fuck to work up the nerve and think you can rattle the cage of an cannibal and think judgment day isn't comin for your ass? why is it that u feel that your untouchable? i'll tell u why...u feel unbeatable...unbreakable...untouchable...unshakeable.  i can feel every ounce of your spit on top of me. it only drives me more and more insane in the gym....to prove the strength of mine can't and won't be denied. i put myself thru hell day in and day out and all you can do is sit..mock me...taunt me. in my world its darkest before dawn so right now i'm in my own personal hell...awaiting my chance...just my one chance out of the cage to show u what kind of monster u truly have created. i'm done playing around and fuckin holdin back just because you think i should do things "proper" or the "right way"...i'm not playing nice anymore. i'm willing to rip heads if that's what it takes to be stronger...

is that still amusing?

the way i train. the way i look. there's a fuckin reason, motherfucker. what u see is the embodiment of my primal resolve...my hunger..and my heart. i'm willing to do what it takes to achieve the greatness that exists within me. your words only serve to fuel my rage for the iron and its hatred. i put in work at the factory like its a full-time job day in and day out. there are no easy days. there are no comfortable days. i come in whether i'm 100% or 50%...it doesn't matter. i have work to do. and the work i do is heavy, brutal, hard, and intense as fuck. the pain i put thru myself is normal. in my line of work, i come to embrace that and accept it. my intensity is my insanity. period. i spill blood and sweat and more if necessary without a second thought...

"Tell me how it felt to have one breath... How bad did you want that little breath of air? When you want to win as bad as you wanted that one breath of air, then come back and see me. That's what it will take for you to be the best!"- steve michalik

is that still amusing to you?

you laugh at the things i haven't become yet...at the things i haven't done yet. challenge me. i fuckin dare u. whether it takes me a day, a week, a year or 10 i will fuckin make u eat your words. you go to the "gym"...i go to the factory...you train to get ready for the fuckin beach....i train to scare motherfuckers. you train for battle...doin only whats required to win...i train for war...doin EVERYTHING in my power to win it. its amusing to you to see how i train. it ridiculous to you. where every breath i take make me want it more and more. my hunger amuses u. why? u don't understand it. that's fine. i'll creep up on you like the nightmare i am and make u piss in your pants when my appearance comes over you.

i see why this is amusing to you now...

your different than me. I eat, sleep and breathe the iron 24-7 and it amuses you. yea sure, u think i don't have a life outside of the gym. me personally, what goes on outside of the factory, is none of your fuckin business only to my fellow cannibal brethren we feel and conceive what i do as a religion. your heart. u don't have it. your passion. not there. your hunger...non existent....you worry soo much about what i do, why i do it, and even go as far as to judge who i am based off of what i do or don't do. i could careless what u say. if my presence pisses u off. so be it. iif my presence amuses you, then that's a different story. go ahead...have fun. laugh it up. laugh. remember who's watchin who. while your laughin at me, i'm watchin you...analyzing your weaknesses and strengths...forming a plan to become something you don't have the fuckin balls to be OR maybe come up with a plan to take whats yours and make it my own.

is it still amusing to you?

picture this. imagine living in the world where no one can touch you. there isn't anyone stronger than you. your the best. your comfortable. you feel like your an unmovable mountain. people praise you. people admire u. why? cause of what you done. but do you know what's AMUSING to me? this. all that changes when someone out of the shadows come out of nowhere. he's watched you. studied you. knows your weaknesses and strengths. knows where your limit of pain goes. he rips your fuckin heart out and eats it for breakfast. your found lifeless...a shell of the man u used to be. what happened? you were eaten by a fuckin CANNIBAL. someone who was more hungrier and have more heart than you. he doesn't plan on stopping. you couldn't fuckin stop him. he knows you won't stop him but welcome to try. all you are is a skull that is mounted on the wall next to an empty spot for his next one. he's focused...one takin the next skull. is that amusing to you?

" You feel pressure? You are afraid that you might fail and lose the contest? You gutless bastard! You have two choices. You can either quit bodybuilding and take up golf, or you can fly back to New York and pick up your balls where you left them and train for the show with me!"- steve michalik

these days...those who call themselves "champions" of some kind are the amusement. they have the fuckin nerve to say they have what it takes. that what they say goes or your a waste of time and you won't amount to shit. that's fuckin amusement to me. wanna know what's even more amusing...they are fuckin scared. they are afraid to push themselves to the next level...they are afraid of losing...they are a bunch of pussies in my book. champions back in my day, fuckin earned the title as such...over and over again. not by staying in a weight class for 10 years or competing in a state over and over again. these are posers. they dissappear the moment someone comes to wipe their name off the books.

"I'm not a kid anymore, so don't think that your attitude is going to intimidate me. I came 3000 miles to show you what I am made of, and I intend to do just that. So stop wasting my time and let's get rock'n and roll'n!"- j.defendis

here's my point. i am who i fuckin am. i'm a cannibal and fuckin proud. i'm hungry and i have heart. i do a lot of shit that some may think is "impossible" or stupid. i'm a man possessed and on a mission. i sweat my ass off and train til i can't fuckin walk or move anymore. i go all out. tell me i'm weak. tell me i won't amount to shit. i promise u everyday i'm goin to be committed to making you my bitch. i may be broken time and time again and maybe beaten but i'll be back in your fuckin face again and again til my very presence to you goes from bein fuckin amusing to fuckin anger and annoyance OR til i become a living fuckin nightmare to you..either way..those outcomes will happen. i'll take something from yours that you pride off of and then take something else of yours. i'll take it all til you have shit else left but to deal with me and make no mistake, i'll make you bleed first before you even make me sweat even an ounce. why? i'm hungrier than you. i'll tolerate more pain than you. more importantly...i have more heart than you. i'll eat the weak and scare the strong cause that's what i fuckin do...why? cause i can. show me weakness...show me blood and i'll get hungrier. i smell blood right now. i smell fear. that's what keeps my hunger burning like a fuckin inferno. proving you wrong and makin u eat your words as i become what i fuckin want to become...keeps my hunger alive...

I didn't understand why he mocked me and insulted me. But I loved it. It fueled my rage. It brought me just one more step closer to my victory at the USA and for that I have to thank Joel. Yes, I always appreciated the support I received from my friends and fans while training for the USA, but it was guys like Joel and his cheerleaders that really enabled me to achieve my goal of becoming a champion and winning the USA.- j.defendis

does that amuse you?

you must think that your amusement angers me? no. i love it. it fuels my hunger that much more. it makes pouring my heart into what i do that much easier and without hesitation. it allows that primal resolve to be more and more feral by the session...and if you think you can bury me...break me. bring it. fuckin do it. again, you'll fuckin bleed before you accomplish this. you won't break me. you don't have the fuckin heart to do so. period. you cannot face the passion, the hunger, and heart you don't have the balls to match or overtake. i'll show u what i'm fuckin made of and its more than your pussy little ass can handle. so laugh it up motherfucker. laugh it up hard. taunt the animal in the cage and DON'T look into my eye...for they are of a man-beast ready to wreak his version of chaos and hell...the eyes of a cannibal. the only thing that is protecting your sorry-ass right now is these iron bars between us...but they won't protect you forever. i'm fuckin comin and i have only one prediction....PAIN....and there's no fuckin amusement about that.

"A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."- Walter Gagehot

tell me...does THAT amuse you?

460 Max Out @ 227lbs, 6', 21 years old

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kevin Frasard- Shoulder Training 2-1-11

DerikFarnsworthTV - Derik One Of A Kind

Week 17 workout #1 02 01 2011

605x3 Rack pulls with short bands

Rex Hubbard 744 Deadlift

Rex Hubbard 738 Squat at RUM4

G Diesel IPA NJ Squat + Bench 1/29/11

Jared Skinner Getting Ready For Lexen Pro/Elite