tHe fReAk fAcToR method

i've been holding back on unveiling this method but its time to share this method of training cuz i'm positive that it will cause mutation on strength and muscle in ways that would change how u train goin foward...not goin into a long in depth post..just fuckin tell ya what this shit is...


first, THIS ISN'T a routine or program but a method of training. if your lookin for such..leave now. such doesn't exist here. i won't hold your fuckin hand..i'll explain this as simple as i can get without makin it complicated. 2nd..alot of this is a judgment call. make the right move when goin up in weight or reps. 3rd...YOU HAVE TO HAVE an open mind when doin this. this creates "hybrid" lifters...those who have muscle mass as well as retard strength and power. 4th..remove the concept of numbers...cuz your gonna work your ass off and probably fuckin puke or vomit in the process. and lastly...NO HALFASS! this method works only one way...ALL THE WAY! u have to committed to it other words..STRAP ON YOUR COCK..LEAVE YOUR PUSSY AT HOME...AND LETS KILL SOME FUCKIN IRON!

OK..that last line was inspired by captain kirk but u fuckin see why? he went ALL-OUT and left nuthin on the platform

tHe fReAk fAcToR method
1. overshoot you reps. why? every lifting program i've done had a set number of sets and reps..such keeps u within a set number and probably set weight. so your level of intensity is for shit. so..overshoot your reps. for example..if u have 3 sets of 10..put it in your mind now that 10 reps is the MININUM!! no matter..just do as many as u can..if its 11 or 21...

2. increase the weight EVERY SET. why? ur in the fuckin gym to get bigger and stronger. fuckin act like it. man up. add some weight...whether its 5lbs or 45lbs..go up! if u only get the mininum reps..stay at that weight...THAT'S THE ONLY REASON TO STAY AT A WEIGHT EVER!! you get 11 reps..move the fuck up. 1 rep or 10 reps over..move up in weight. this allows u to work harder every set and every rep..technically this is overloading reps and weight creating a whole new level of max effort.

3. ALL-OUT SET. on the final set of any exercise you do..first..FOLLOW THE ABOVE MENTIONED RULES STILL..THIS APPLIES TO THE FINAL SET! on the last set..commit to a REST-PAUSE FAILURE SET. this means taking a weight and doin as many reps as u can...then rest for 15 sec and do it again...then rest and do it again. u may only go 2 mini sets of 3..or more..go all out and do as many reps as u fuckin can til u can't do anymore. its an ALL-OUT SET for a reason. GO FUCKIN ALL-OUT!!

4. PRE-EXHAUST. on the first movement of each bodypart..pick an isolation movement and PRE-EXHAUST on it by doin it first. for example..if your leg extensions first...if your doin pec deck first. why? this forces the muscle to be ACTIVATED so when u do your main gain more muscle stimulation. this also allows u to train at less than 100% but your workin harder. under these'll be fuckin bigger and stronger.

What I do on pre-exhaust movements is do sets of 20 back to back going up in weight every set til I can't do 20 anymore and then I perform 3 sets of 10+ reps with 10 sec rest in between with the weight going up every set. Remember...overshoot reps..add this idea from Flex Lewis...

5. LIMIT REST. from set to set..minus the RP sets..keep your rest periods 30-45 secs(save the BIG 3 where u go 1 min rest). why? DENSITY TRAINING. training heavy while increasing the weight fuckin makes ur ass become a wall of granite muscle mass. this also helps with endurance...your able to handle heavy loads long and with the same if not greater level of strength.

6. SUICIDES. this is something i learned from using FST-7 but put a different twist on it in two ways. first doin 6 sets of 10..with the stretch and drink of water in between sets and rest bein 30 sec...BUT with the final set..your doin a RPF(rest-pause failure) set. this way follows what i've mentioned save the reps..ONLY ON THIS WILL U STICK TO THE REPS!! the 2nd way is doin a RPF set on the first and last set and doin 5 sets of 10 in between. THIS IS TOUGH AS SHIT! so i recommend doin it the first way FIRST before moving onto the 2nd. like above...bump the weight every 2 sets and bump the weight on the FINAL set! you can perform SUICIDES first movement or the final movement...

7. CHANGE UP. keep things interesting by changing up movements either every week or every two weeks..this would limit u to 3-4 movements per bodypart. change up the movement or how u do the rep. what i mean by "how u do the rep" is utlizing HIT which u perform reps at a slower cadence or HRP(HIT rest pause) where u perform an all-out rest-pause set to fail using HIT. another REVERSE DROP SET. meaning instead of goin down in go back up in weight to fail. you can still do supersets still with this as well.

8. LIMIT PLUS SETS. this is for those who love busting ass on the BIG 3 and train to compete in powerlifting. for offseason you follow the limit scheme below:

1x5+ 1x4 1x3 1x2+ (squat/dead)
1x6+ 1x5 1x4 1x3+ (bench)

the first and final sets are all out sets. NO REST PAUSE. just as many reps as you can. if you achieve 8 reps on the first and/or 4 reps on the final set..ALL SETS u add 20lbs. this is a slow progress but keep in mind...with doin the PRE-EXHAUST before..your not at 100% so you saving a bit in the tank. when your 100%...

in training
1x5+ 1x4 1x3 1x2 1x1+(squat/dead)
3x6 1x6+ (bench)

nuthin changes for the squat/dead..its the same with the first and final sets. the bench is different. u do 3 sets of 6 and then add weight and do a limit set of 6. you can reverse this where the limit set is first instead of last. like before..u get 8 reps/3 reps on squat/dead and 9 reps on bench...all sets move up 20lbs. don't rush this. BE PATIENT. if you want MORE work you can always add a RPF set with lighter weight AFTER these work sets. THAT IS UP TO YOU!! you can also throw in partial movements like box squats, dead bench, rack deads, partial squats, board work, etc before or after. if you do..i recommend working up to a max triple only. also..the use of bands and/or chains are acceptable. remember...THIS IS STRENGTH TRAINING...NOT STRENGTH that shit for the platform.

DY took HIT to a whole new level and look at what the fuck it created!! nuff said!

9.HIT REST PAUSE(HRP). ooh shit..did i just say that...yup..HIT! this is performing slow..very slow reps with a contraction at the top for about 2 seconds, 3 second descent, and an explosion back to contracted postition. this time under tension i believe is HUGE for strength gains as well as speed. i performed HIT reps with 150s on inclines(cuz i was fuckin bored) for a month..when i changed speeds i was able to do over 20 reps with 150s...previously i could only do 10-12. BUT HERE'S HOW I WANT YOU DO TO DO IT! pick 1-2 movements to do ONE SET on and it has to be the FIRST set. your still goin to perform the other sets like normal...all overshooting the reps and with a normal RPF set on the final set. you will see very quickly how this completely brings your top strength on the final set down a bit but that's fine. a few weeks like that u will be strong as fuck. with the HRP sets u will perform much like a RPF keep doin it til u can't do more AT THAT SPEED. then the preceeding sets are done at normal speed with the bar weight still goin up but the shit becomes hard as fuck. don't let these deceive you. i would do them on ONE movement first...then progress to adding them to another movement later...once your used to them. the time under tension plus your normal sets will make u grow right before ur fuckin eyes...just watch.

10. TRAIN FUCKIN INTENSE AND KILL IT!! the most important fuckin part. with all of the above you HAVE TO FUCKIN BRING IT like your ass hasn't brought it before. the only way u halfass is if you don't fuckin follow THIS METHOD. u will bleed. u will sweat. and u will probably vomit too. you can perform this method whether your a bodybuilder or a powerlifter...whether your training solo or with a partner(s) but keep the fuckin pace goin regardless. but like a runaway fuckin freight train. take a week off when necessary. don't think about numbers..just train your ass off and the numbers will go up along with your muscular size.

how about that...u didn't even have to pay for this shit...this method is to help others become what "old school" lifters use to train and look like. you will put in the work..the sweat...the blood..and more and you'll fuckin want more too. doesn't matter what weight is on the bar..just kill it. bring passion and intensity with every set and every rep. this method you FORCE your body to grow and get stronger and NEVER ADAPT. since me and my brother embarked on this method...we've both been MUTATING beyond what either of us thought possible..moving weight we never thought we fuckin move and want more. you will have the best of both worlds...strength of a powerlifter...physique of a bodybuilder and u don't even have to throw out your current routine..just throw these ideas in!! i don't believe in set routines like my brother does...every session is different..never the same. this keeps your sessions fuckin fun and your progress ongoing...there is NO GUARANTEE that u will add this amount of weight on your bench and this amount of pounds in muscle. YOUR GUARANTEED ONE work your fuckin ass off. how much u want to fuckin gain is up your ass.

me and my twin brother, dan, came up with this method..and it shows..and more to come!!

if you follow will see size gains and strength gains. hell..your probably get lean as fuck too. i won't lie..your ego will be bruised after the first week of this but if your down..BE PREPARED TO OUT LIFT AND OUT WORK YOUR COMPETITION! this is where u PAY THE COST TO BE A HOSS!!