Monday, April 11, 2011

in blackest hunger...


think about those words as u read this....

let me let u in on somethin...

i'm not a stereotype. i choose not to be what others want me to be or expect me to be. i choose to be something more than that...something that doesn't have a name for do things that doesn't have a be something beyond what people see me as...a monster..

my hunger has driven me to do things i thought wouldn't be possible. this hunger can make a man into a beast and then evolve into a monster. its only impossible to do what i do if you don't have the hunger to do it...

let me ask u this...and see if you have it....the hunger

...when a good session isn't enough knowin your competition has had 2 of them

...when doin the same weight isn't enough knowin you can be stronger

...when you want that last rep because u need need to evolve

...when doin crazy shit is the only way to show how bad u want something

...when doin a bad session just pisses u off to put yourself thru hell for bein fuckin weak

...when bein beaten in battle drives u insane that u put yourself thru constant hell

...when it just isn't fuckin enough and you want more...not even winning is enough...

what fuels this hunger? your voices. others voices. your voices in your head are voices of others...they doubt you. they hate on you. they mock you. each session it like the demons in hell are mockin you...hating on you...doubting turns what was once negative into positive RAGE. your focus becomes razor sharp. hell is within your eyes. words only serve to fuel u even more...pushing your hunger much more. what does it fuckin feel like to have someone tell you "you don't have a chance in hell"...does it make your hand shake? does it make u want to rip cords and bash down walls? does it want to make u ROAR a mighty loud that it even causes blackouts? it should...or u aren't fuckin alive...

this hunger isn't something u finds u. remove everything in your, cars, success, reputation, "status", etc...what do u have left? HUNGER.

then u develop this:

PRIMAL RESOLVE===>>"killer instinct combined with the violent intentions to become the strongest when being strong and the hunger to do so is all you have left"

ALL U HAVE LEFT? think about that. when bein bigger and stronger...when still becoming that freak...that see in your vision is all you want to do is still left...that's where hunger is born...but you become possessed by it. you want it bad and you willing to do whatever it fuckin do it...if it means riding your ass into hell and taking on the devil on be it.

gettin that hunger is something that possesses you from day one. in blackest hunger you create your own hell that you live in...breathe where everything u do is BEYOND the breaking point of most mortals. when you do things that aren't normal or natural...but you find is neccessary at the demands of your hunger. when u fuckin train, eat, and sleep it. its all you think about. you become a machine of pure rage...driven to forge yourself into a different bein everytime you set foot into your own hell...most would burn in but not you. your hunger won't allow weakness. your hunger won't allow a moment of pussification to set in. when you want it as bad as that fuckin breathe or sip or water..that's hunger. you walk around with hell burning in your eyes. any bein that is stupid enough to step into your path, you willing to destroy them. no questions or second thoughts about it. you do what u fuckin must. u seek a new challenge daily even ones that even push u to your mental breaking the point where your exhausted...your tired...sweat pouring from your body...blood rushing to your head about to explode thru your nose...hands sweating...your mind questioning if you have it in you for one more more set...then you realize something...

you must. you have to do that one more rep. that one more set. why? not just because your competition is doing two...but because you want that rep..that set bad enough as u want that breathe of air or that drink of water. they aren't pusthing themselves to this point of extremity. you are. why? in blackest find hell. its your hunger. it won't allow you to sleep at nite. it fuckin demands this. when seein someone rep your max pisses u off to do the same, it unlocks this hunger. you have the heart to endure the pain. this hunger will make the pain and hell u suffer...enjoyable. you want it that bad that the pain u put yourself thru is something u enjoy and look foward to. you train as if you preparing to face an that when the time mere mortal man will bring u down. people will fear you. people will hate you...people will even be motivated by you...either way...they will be rundown if they stand in your way...cause all your hunger does is see it as a opportunity to get stronger...and it will...BY ANY MEANS!

in blackest hunger, there isn't anything that is will do anything and everything to fuel this hunger more cause your possessed by it. that hunger will push u to do crazy shit..doin shit that some believe to be impossible or improbable...winning and losing become nothing to you at this point....for it only burns your hunger brighter than the hottest hell. u see nothing but your vision...your potential. everything not your heart...but your hunger. you become a chaotic machine of destruction wreaking hell on earth everywhere you go. your hands will bleed. your heart will pound. your shins will bleed. you will feel like vomiting. but you enjoy it...every fuckin bit of it and will do it again...again...again...and again...when will it end? it will never end. this hunger grows with every passing challenge. u won't be satisfied. cause you'll want more. numbers are only stepping stones of progress...numbers are just the amount of hell and pain u suffered and your ability to push it even more. records only just fuel your hunger even more....not even close to satisfying it.

dreams can only be enforced by those who are possesed by the hunger to acheive them and want more. that hunger has to be fueled...either thru pain and hell or thru the voices in your head. yes. it makes us fuckin crazy. so what. being strong and huge isn't supposed to be pretty and nice...its supposed to be nasty and ridiculous..done by those who are possessed by the blackest hunger to raise hell. simple. u won't let anything stop you. this is how u become unstoppable. its your hunger. it doesn't stop. even when u think it does...all it needs is a spark to turn into an inferno. to become unstoppable you have to constantly face the strongest...its not how many battles you won or lost..its how many of them made u hungrier and stronger than the last...thereby your hunger won't stop...u don't become are the unstoppable force like a tibal wave...a hurricane...or the fires of hell that only hunger to burn more...the hunger won't stop...

think back to the opening statement...and ask if you have that hunger. again...its something that it finds you either when its all you have left or when your surrounded by those who are hungrier than you...then its do or get hungry or you get fuckin eaten. gyms are gladiatorial arenas. they are where the wolves dwell...not the fuckin sheep. they get fucked and eaten cause they are weak. you bleed, sweat and bleed some more. tears won't get u shit but pity and in blackest hunger...pity won't save you from someone elses hell. period. either u fuckin bring hell with you...or you BURN in someone elses...

so ask yourself...ARE U HUNGRY?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

black friday (thy enemy 2011)

fuck you all.


those who only go to the gym for superficial purposes...your a waste of space...and resources

those who think doin a competition is a fuckin popularity contest...its a competition, you fags not who's the most popular..

those who have the audacity to question someone's heart and hunger based on "how" they guys can go fuck yourself as well...most of which can even fuckin max on the bench what most of my brothers can rep out for 20 plus.

those who have the "god" complex who believe their way is the only bitches can blow me. it must be good to be the strongest guy at your long as there isn't anyone else that's stronger than you. you guys are the fuckin cancer that must be removed...

you all are comfortable. no heart. no hunger. enjoy the breed the fuckin sheep. you advertise complacency. you want people to hold you to a pedestal so no one can knock you down. you like the applause. you like the attention when u go to shows/ feel as if that you have respect. even have the right to be a critic to someone else who does things different from you...or rather..upsets the balance you help create and then don't even hold yourself to those standards...why? cause your on a pedestal. you pose to be something your fuckin not and/or posing as someone who you USED to be. you act hardcore and people get your gased on that. must be nice....even amusing. even defile the concept of brotherhood and as as one when u don't believe in that enjoy mocking people who are different. you don't like it when someone doesn't listen to feel disrespected cause what they do is stupid and its not your way.

someone has to clean up this bullshit...and it looks like us cannibals are up for the task of doin it. let me clarify what i'm talkin about...

why is it that when one of these jackwagons get bitten by someone who is hungry and the heart to endure, shit changes? cause they realize the shit they had...wasn't real. bein all pumped and gased up and then get deflated when they realize they don't have the killer instinct. they forget that ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE...and that there is always someone watchin you. they don't care. cause they feel untouchable. they are the fuckin joke...all of them. fuckin clowns. can't stand them. the iron game used to be about blood, sweat and more blood...used to be about brotherhood and old school training. don't get me wrong...i got nothing against new stuff. what i'm talkin about is people who knock the old school shit cause they got sand in their fuckin pussy. its bad enough this country has gotten into the era of its infected the irongame.

fuckers are busy trying to keep up an image...or really maintain a balance that they are comfortable with. they fuckin can't stand anyone that upsets it or does something different then they are or even worse...shit they can't do or don't have the balls to do. makes sense...since they wear their pussies to the gym. captain kirk said it best...strap your cock on and leave your pussy at home. old school bodybuilders, strongman and powerlifters were all the same...hell you couldn't tell a difference back in the 70s and 80s. have lazy asses in powerlifting and you have beach boys onstage in bodybuilding. they feel imitatiing what's done is good enough as supposed to bein original...staying content in a weight class is a fuckin joke to me..

EVEN worse...they want to call out those who are different. talk shit about their training cause is not what they do. talk shit about them behind their back...they don't like the videos...the posts...what they are doin is invoking the call of war...

ENOUGH IS FUCKIN ENOUGH....time to give this fuckers a wake up call...they are about to wake up in a world where us cannibals live...welcome to FRIDAY THE 13TH MOTHERFUCKERS...

your worse nightmare is here. your blinded by the light...WE want to test your fuckin heart...if its weak, i'll fuckin eat it. this old school hunger and heart your ass isn't ready nor built for. WE look for the strongest where ever WE cower from them. keep talkin. run your mouth. mock me even.WE welcome it. it only feeds OUR hunger that much more. WE'LL want it that much more than you. WE'RE not being cocky...WE just want it more than you cause we're hungrier than you. we eat the weak and scare the strong. we piss off haters...make the doubters kiss our asses...and make the posers whine. we cannibals aren't fuckin scared to be villians both in the gym and in competition. hate us...fear us...either way...don't be in our fuckin'll be crushed and broken...tossed to the wind to be forgotten. your lunch to fuckin hungry or be eaten. its the simple. all this shit is garbage and we're taking out the trash. we are fuckin tired of this clowns who call themselves real lifters because of a "status" they reach. we are bent on shaking the foundation of your world down to its core and upset the balance....creating chaos and wreaking hell everywhere we go. destroying your pathetic dreams and annhilatin your egos...we will INTMIDATE your ass. that's no question. we will INSPIRE those to walk with us. you want people to bow before you and claim you "king", world champion, whatever gets your fuckin johnson up.

WE CANNIBALS DON'T BOW BEFORE NO MOTHERFUCKER. we'll give props if your stronger...only to be motivation for us to be stronger than don't fuckin slip. we'll wait for it. we'll stalk your weakass in the a wolf hungry for its next meal. we don't fuckin wait for you to give up. we are too hungry. then with a snap of a finger, we devour fuckin weak ass...we'll take your skull and smash it by our hands. then we'll reach into hell and pull your soul out and eat that motherfucker as well...YOU WON'T EXIST. we'll make sure of that. if you were strong, u would survive it...we know you won't. that's why we are hungry. welcome to your nightmare. we smell fear from the haters, posers and doubters...that fear puts us into a blood feeding frenzy. we watch what you do. we see your numbers. see see your pics...we look for weaknesses. it makes us hungry to rip apart that motherfucker and eat his heart. we will knock your lazy ass of your pedestal and destroy that pedestal.

I am my suffering. I am pure rage incarnate. I know no fear. I am my pain. All I have is my hunger. I bleed. I sweat. I eat the weak. I intimidate the strong. I am never satisfied for I am MY nemesis. I am thy CANNIBAL...let thy roar of rage either motivate or scare the shit out of you.

YOU DON'T like what you see or read from us...BRING IT THE FUCK ON AND SHOW US SOMETHING OTHER THAN RUNNING YOUR FUCKIN MOUTHS...WE WANT A CHALLENGE. WE are goin to fuckin do shit that will either piss u off or intmidate you..or it might motivate your ass to get up do something. WE are goin to do shit that will seem impossible to YOU. either way, we still are goin to fuckin do it...why...BECAUSE WE CAN. so you can run or stand up and bring it on! if you run from us...we'll hunt your coward ass down. if you stand in our way...perfect. the hell in our eyes will take away your heart for battle against us and then we'll proceed to unleashing hell. it will look like a murder scene...except there won't be chalk outlines or body bag necessary...just signs of blood and bone dust left behind...MINUS HEART cause it was eaten. whether its today, tomorrow, next week, next year...WE ARE FUCKIN COMING...bringing the end of the age of pussies and bringing back old school badasses who bleed, sweat and bleed even more that are hungry and have the heart to endure whatever hell stands before them..YOU WON'T STOP IT. we thank you for the battle scars...the pain and suffering you dared to put us thru...your doubts of our heart...hating of our didn't take us were too blinded by the light to fuckin see it and u took us for fools...pretty soon you'll be face to face with the fuckin cAnNiBaL YOU CREATED...your fate will be sealed...and the best part...YOU WON'T FUCKIN SEE IT COMIN!! choose what the fuck you want to do...stand in our way...fine..give us a want a motherfucking war...we'll give you hell. just fuckin bring it and DON'T FUCKIN SING IT...bring us some hell...or you'll burn in ours like the bitches you are...if you not goin to do shit...step aside and let us fuckin do the shit for you and more...THIS IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER.

about the only thing you can do is kiss your wife and kids goodnight..say your your vitamins...pull up the blankets...hold them tight..then when the lights turn off go and hide under your bed...CAUSE WE ARE FUCKIN COMING...WHY? BECAUSE WE CAN...end of discussion. REPOST THIS!!

have a nice day,