Wednesday, December 14, 2011

squat/leg day and dead/back day

yea its back mafuckers...gotta show that i walk the walk as well as talk the goes..

squat day

leg extensions
305x16HRP followed by sets of 20s from 245 to 285

box squats
worked up to 515+200 in bands for a triple(715 at the top)

raw squats
worked up to 665 for 4 reps with wraps...then did 665 for a single for form/depth check

325x11...gotta get my endurance up on these

leg presses
worked up to 1345 for 2x2/2x3/ between sets were 1min..done w/o knee wraps

leg extensions
290x2x8 290x2x10 290x2x12 290x16

leg curls
175x2x8 175x10 175x15

***that was a ball-buster of a session. didn't fuckin feel like fuckin around today and decided to keep workin on my squat. reps will be better quality next week as the quality of reps this week on squats i feel didn't meet standards. will do better.


2 sets of 5 on pullups

speed deads with quaded minis(+225)
worked up to a fast single with 455

reverse grip pulldowns with regular pulldown bar
worked up to 300 for 15 HRP

barbell rows
615 for 2 sets of 2/ 2 sets of 3/ and then a set of 6 reps

one-arm barbell rows
225 for 15RP

CS rows
did 5 plates for 16RP & 4 plates for 15RP for RP drop sets

straight bar pulldowns
80 for 2x8/2x10/2x12/16
supersetted with
face pulls
140 for 2x8/2x10/2x12/15

this was good paced session...hammered the back fast, hard and fuckin heavy. love back day!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

cHaOs method...PART 2

last time we briefly discussed some of the basics of chaos training...which is pretty much doin things in reverse and training PAST THE PUMP INTO THE PAIN. anyways..this time around i'm goin to run with you a basic squat/leg session. keep this in mind...this is outside the thinking of both bodybuilding and powerlifting but any of the two can do this session...and get gains in size and strength at the same time...the methods for each exercise follows.

method- HIT rest pause. this is doin each rep..2 seconds up..with a 2 second pause and a 2 second descent. your goal is to do 10+ pause style. do as many as u can...then pause and repeat til your at or over 10 reps. warmup doin sets of 20.

method- PROGRESSIVE FAILURE. this is doin every set to failure with limited rest between sets. start at 135 or 225(depends) and go up in weight with every set to failure. take only a 1 minute rest between sets. i would do 3 sets here.

method- heavy triple plus rest pause. work up to a heavy triple. once u do back the weight down a bit and perform a total of 15+ rest pause reps...simliar to DC training. use bands and/or chains to additional resistance..

method- suicides. this is doin a total of 5 sets. pick a weight that u could do for 8-10 reps. perform 2 sets of 5...each set is back to back...30 sec rest. then rest for 1 minute. THEN perform 2 sets of 8 back to back...30 sec rest. then rest for 1 minute again. then finally perform an all-out set of 10+ reps...your goal is to get over 10 reps. period.

method- suicides fst7. pick a weight that u could do 8-10 reps with. perform 2 sets of 10 with 30 sec rest between sets...then stretch and get water. then perform 2 sets of 12 with 30 sec rest between sets. then stretch and get water. then perform 2 sets of 15 with 30 sec rest between sets. then stretch and get water. then finally peform an allout repout to failure...the goal is to at least get 15 reps or more.

methods- PROGRESSIVE FAILURE. same as the squats. every set to taken to failure while progressively adding weight every set. aim is to do 3-4 sets.

method- killer20s. start doin sets of 20 and progress up in weight every set til u can't do 20 reps anymore..then start doin rest pause reps on THAT set til u do and your done.

give this squat/leg session a shot...your guaranteed to learn what i means to train past the pump into the world of we go into a chaotic chest/bench session...


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

RANT #`1: Thinning of The Herd

if there is one thing i can't fuckin stand...its those who think that the journey will be short and quick and BAM..ya turn pro and BAM..u get the biggest title in the world. let me rephrase...they think the journey is easy to the top. they don't take the time to understand that if it was fuckin easy...guess what everyone would be doin it. i've seen it all the time...the talk.."yea i'ma turn pro after my two shows"...or "i'm a take the #1 total easy"...all this fuckin bumpin of their gums don't mean shit BUT talk.

ED COAN domination in powerlifting wasn't fuckin was war no less!

all these guys that talk don't last. they soon realize that the shit isn't easy..and guess what motherfucker? EVERYONE IS DOIN THE SAME and probably have been at it longer than your ass has been. these guys will half-ass what they are doin cause they have someone that tells them differently. that they "have it". mostly a gymrat that doesn't know shit and don't know how tough this shit is goin be. these motherfuckers don't last. once the shit gets too fuckin serious...they'll come out and about with their excuses...u know what i'm talkin about

its like i said..they take the shit like its a fuckin play. you win. fuck no. its a war...long fuckin war..with yourself...your environment...your competition...fuckin everything. wake the fuck up! take this shit seriously. if you haven't done a competition yet...shut your fuckin mouth til you do. show us somethin there. all this fuckin cheap. "i'm gonna do this...i'm gonna do that"...SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO SOMETHIN! DON'T TALK it big! simple. i couldn't believe all the facebook status about takin down phil heath..i mean seriously. if your ass isn't a fuckin pro that day and that night...keep your mouth shut til your ass does somethin.

look at this shit! it doesn't fuckin happen overnight! dorian yates is proof of this!!

you can't fuckin rush this process. its a war. be ready to fight everyday and every night. those who go in and play fuckin games get killed in battle. its simple. know what the fuck your gettin into. its a war. shit won't be easy. man the fuck up..shut your mouth and prepare for war. do the shit right. get the right coach..surround yourself with those with who share your mission..or better yet...who u want to become. quit tryin to rush this process. this is a war...a really long fuckin one. for these jack wagons to take it lightly and easy really insult those who had to poor blood and sweat into this shit as part of their lives. you tell me u can fuckin do it better than them? ok..i'll challenge ya...SHOW US MOTHERFUCKER or step the fuck down so someone else fuckin can.

i see it all the time and i've been thru a lot of training partners...once the shit gets real..the fuckin get out. fine. they aren't willin to fight for it. they aren't willin to endure the mistakes along the way...they aren't willin to humble themselves. to me...they don't need to fuckin be in this war. they are the weak links. period. i rather be around those who are willing to endure the war and do what it takes at all costs. they are willin to bleed...sweat...and bleed some more. that's fine by me. look at guys like branch warren, derek poundstone, stan efferding, kai greene, etc...those guys damn sure didn't rush the process. why? they know what they will do and what their resolve is. they'll make it happen. no question. and you know what...they are doin it right. they know that path they choose isn't goin to be easy...they know that every victory and loss factors into the BIGGER PICTURE...and the evolution required to reach realize that BIGGER PICTURE.

RYAN KENNELLY didn't talk..let his actions do the talkin...and now STILL is the undisputed BADASS ON THE BENCH

lesson here. talk is cheap. show somethin. show that your fuckin doin work and not just bumpin your damn gums talkin big. show us that your deserving of what u aim to get. show us that your apart from the herd. do the shit right. take advantage of every tool out there. fuck. put facebook/youtube to use for crying out loud instead of tryin to be someone your fuckin not...yet and showing the women on your list how awesome u are in the gym.

shut the fuck up and do somethin...or back the fuck down and let someone else do it. your fuckin takin up space,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thinning of The Herd

i'll be expanding more on these as my bro, zach, tells the fuckin truth.