Ok, now I'm pretty sure any lifter knows about supplements and there's a lot of them out there that not one person knows which to use. sometimes simple is best when dealing with supplements and if your hardcore lifter you defintely need a fuckin arsenal to help u train harder...using freakfactor! So i'll name off the supps worth using and beneficial to you as well as how to approach your own diet.
The stack that football players use is....weight gainer and creatine. Weight Gainer is an athlete's best friend. The stuff works to put on muscle weight fast since it's protein and creatine serves to give you strength and lean muscle that you need. With these two together, a hardcore lifter would add size quickly. Protein is the muscle-builder and you need this stuff, especially after your workout. Reason? Because after you workout, your body needs the protein to heal up and get ready for the next workout. If it doesn't get it in time or at all, it will feed on either body fat (big guys) and/or your own muscles (smaller or leaner guys). If it feeds off of your muscles, then your recovery time will slow down and by the time you workout again, you could be still in pain, because your body hasn't healed yet. Also when your training your expending alot of calories and carbs..a weight gainer is best to replenshing those lost traits after a training session and recovering. i even recommend takin regular whey protein before bed and a weight gainer post workout You must get in a protein or a weight gainer 1-2 times daily depending on how your body responds. And that's another thing, you have to listen and watch your body. The more you know about it, the more you'll learn how it works. I also recommend taking creatine pre and post workout as your body can use it in that time frame the most effectively. most of your pre workouts now like JACK3D have creatine in it that will serve to benefit you greatly and products like FUSION BODYBUILDING's purple k work pre and post workout. i've experimented with takin a pre-workout plus creatine pre workout to make the pre-workout work more effectively and its work. gotta load up the water BIG TIME and pound a carb-like drink like karbolyn, blox, or my fav...USPLABS modern BCAA during your workout. the results are amazing and strength and size gains are worth it.