Saturday, November 27, 2010

heroes & villians

"I'm my own brand of motherfucker."- Jonathan Greenwood

we see them in just about every gym around the world...the one the douchebags like to talk about to use "legit" lifters.

they are usually the strongest guy at the gym who usually given that title because he's putting up 500 or so on the bench. he does a million chest movements. never does legs however. wants to get his swole on. he's what every guy in the gym wants to be and what every girl wants to be with. he's usually giving bad advice on how to get his bench up. all the douches love him though. the gym owner like'em because he brings people to the gym. problem is with the heroes is that they aren't legit. they are comfortable with showing off to the other gymrats on international chest day like he's a star so almost every session is a social time for them. and even worse...they are content and comfortable. they are usually there til someone stronger steps into place and then they fade away...good. they're good for a laugh too. they have no fuckin idea on what it takes or for that matter what the "bigger picture" is. people love these guys. why? cause people feel like he's "normal". they want to "act like" as supposed to "being like"...they have their friends do things like "holding the bar" or scream at them looking like idiots. they are truly afraid of testing themselves more imporantly they are afraid of failure. he halfasses pretty much all the time and probably trains 8 days a fuckin week. testing yourself doesn't always have to happen on the platform. just becoming stronger than last week is enough and these guys aren't willing to do it. heroes don't like to sweat and ever notice that? they don't think its proper or that that they are pushing too hard. if they cry, they want sympathy. someone to tell them...that they are still "#1 in their eyes". usually pushing these guys hard will result in them no longer lifting or no longer lifting with you so they avoid you. they arent' willing to sacrifice shit for it either. they rather look swole for the club. pure and simple...they are a waste of space...and some of "today's" champions ARE this type unfortunately...

these are my types of motherfuckers. these guys could care less about who's watchin him or let alone what he's doin. he comes in with a purpose of getting stronger and better than yesterday. he doesn't say shit to anyone. why? cause no one in his immediate area is worth a damn. they are all douchebags til proven wrong. you know the types. they are the ones who bring in the chalk that gym owners hate. they roar like overgrown animals in the gym scaring away the "little" people and don't give a fuck. they bend bars too. they bust ass 24/7. the heroes can't stand these guys cause they are stronger than them. a lot of these guys are competitors. so they have that killer instinct. they will do what they do to accomplish their goals. they are legit. but because of the pussy society we have today they want to see the heroes but not the villains cause the villians intimidate the normal people...i say onto them villians because they are hated and sneered at by normal people who don't understand them. they aren't afraid to train til they puke. heroes can't stand them because they do insane shit that they know they will NEVER do. the bleed, sweat, and bleed some more cause villians know that tears won't mean shit and don't want sympathy if they fail....they will just try harder. they are stubborn bastards the lot of them. refuse to quit...refuse to believe they are weak. they will make even what appears to be the heaviest weight on the bar to normals look easy. why? cause they want to. they are hungry as hell for more weight to be stronger cause they know what it takes and they will do whatever it takes to get there..if they fall, they will rise up again and again and again. they are hated because they don't do what the "norm" or "average is. they upset the balance everywhere they go because they aren't what people expect them do be. pain and suffering is a regular thing to inflict on other or be stronger. when its time to push themselves, you see who they "really" are. monster, freak, beast, or animal...either way they are what they are...villians...

i know that after about 12+ gyms i've been through i'm a villian. i can tell you that when the douches come up and ask the question.."how did you get so big?" or "what's the secret?" they don't like the answer..."..i just bust my ass." i'm not afraid of hardwork and sweat and blood if need be. i won't be reinventing what's already been done. why? cause being the strongest guy at the gym isn't enough for me...i want more....therefore i train hungry...never satisfied. question is...which one are you...

hero or villian?

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