Monday, May 21, 2012

perception is reality

"perception is reality"...i've heard this time and time and out of my gym. and its true...but the part that is bullshit is that its enforced by "other people" or the voices of petty human, bitches, haters, etc...they fuckin create that perception and develops into reality that changes your reality as an animal...

fuck that! YOU control that change it! you control what their reality is cause in the end, we are the dominate species...not them! i'm not saying listen to the haters, use it as fuel to change that fuckin perception. nuthin feels better than makin a jackass out of all of them without so much as a word from you. real men of strength show their strength thru their actions not words. do that. allow them to think one way about you. you work on what's real, changing that fuckin perception cause you cannot deny what reality is. it is what is is. i heard another quote from a movie:
"perception is reality. i chose to create mine and others chose to accept it"

is this true. yes. you have to chose to create that perception. the other part is not true. actions can speak so loud that others CANNOT deny it. others WILL accept it. if they don't, they can't deal with reality. PERIOD! so take this one in stride. be wary of what you say to the next person...cause you never know when they plan on changing your fuckin perception and making reality undeniable. cause in this game whether its bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, MMA, don't earn respect these fuckin take it!

perception is reality. i chose to create mine and others will accept it!

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