Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Guy Cisternino: 18 weeks out of the New York Pro - Flex Online

Guy Cisternino: 18 weeks out of the New York Pro - Flex Online

why ask fuckin why?

why train insane every session?

why lift heavy shit all day?

why push myself harder when there is no one else to push me?

why am i hungry for somethin that not everyone can do?

why do things, crazy things, that don't make sense to everyone else?

why do i get pissed when i miss a weight or rep and try it again?

tHe fReAk fAcToR experiment...part 1

what the hell have i gotten myself into? i never thought in 2 months i would make a change in my physique as well as my strength levels. but i now know what bein a "hybrid" is all about. i asked many if they were able to undergo "the freak factor experiment" but many turned it down..leaving me and my twin brother, dan, to be a guniea pigs. yes..a powerlifter..and a bodybuilder...the goal for us to be both...A TRUE HYBRID. i will discuss what i have learned from this method of training but first let me explain what a hybrid is...

Friday, February 24, 2012

tHe fReAk fAcToR method...


is creating new breed of lifters...and its so fuckin simple to implement. u don't even have to throw out whatever routine your using...but here's what to expect from FFM:

1. its NOT a fuckin diet
2. its NOT line of supplements
3. its NOT a training program
4. your GUARANTEED to work your ass off
5. every session you will get fuckin jacked...PURE MUTATION MOTHERFUCKER!
6. every session you will get strong as fuck
7. there is no halfassin this method..u fuck it up..YOU FUCK IT UP!
8. fuck what your buddies are doin..soon you'll be OUT WORKING AND OUT LIFTING THEIR ASSES!
9. remove the concept of numbers...with this method..YOU HAVE TO JUST FUCKIN KILL!!
10. and you don't have to fuckin pay for it either...just bring your balls and man up to some hardcore training

so u still wanna be down? stay tuned!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Inspiration via tough love by Steve Pulcinella

tHe fReAk fAcToR revisited

lets talk FREAK FACTOR...to me what it means to have the FREAK FACTOR is the mindset to do what it takes to be the strongest...the best...and your hunger drives you daily. havin the THE FREAK FACTOR means not having no weaknesses...leaving no excuses...taking in all the pain and suffering and fuckin embracing it. having the FREAK FACTOR means doin what it fuckin takes...no matter what and at any costs..you know your not in it to play it safe. its a war your fighting not a battle... if your weak..you make no excuses...you shut up and get fuckin stronger. period. the FREAK FACTOR is bein the ones who breaks the standards and create their own. what makes the FREAK FACTOR is FOUR things...HEART, HUNGER, INTENSITY, PASSION and the ability to be and go INSANE not because u neccessary but because you can. showing pure intensity and passion with every set...every rep..with every plate loaded on the bar...U HAVE NO FUCKIN RULES! their resolve is PRIMAL RESOLVE..."killer instinct combined with violent intentions to create an unshakeable resolve to be the strongest when being strong and the hunger to be stronger is all you have left"...this drives THE FREAK FACTOR.

the FREAK FACTOR is all about doin whatever the hell you want to at any time...any place...any where cause u can by being arrogant strong. yea. we talk to ourselves...we have that switch we flip on that turns on the FREAK FACTOR that all us cannibals possess. the FREAK FACTOR sees everything..whether be positive encouragement and/or negative criticism as fuel for their hunger...and thus truly making them unstoppable. why? cause their hunger doesn't end. that's one part of THE FREAK FACTOR that is logical. as long as we are hungry...we still continue to bang weights and stack plates...destroy records and conquer all that stands before us...and those that DARE to stand in our path. we have that bullheaded focus to not let shit stop us and having that PRIMAL RESOLVE to not be broken...only made to be stronger than before.

having the FREAK FACTOR means you stand out. you upset the balance in the world as a cannibal. people see that. they won't approach u cause as soon as they do...your liable to eat them for protein so u can be stronger....why? cause we are hungry. having that FREAK FACTOR is always challenging yourself cause your hungry...and like those starving for food...a cannibals starves for a challenge to destroy so it can mutate, destroy, and conquer...fuck evolution. the FREAK FACTOR is being driven by those pushing you and those that fear you...both fuel your hunger...the FREAK FACTOR makes nightmares in real life...the FREAK FACTOR isn't something your fuckin born with..its made from within. HEART, HUNGER, INTENSITY, AND PASSION that fuels the PRIMAL RESOLVE and driven to commit acts of insanity in the gym...that's what makes the FREAK FACTOR...the beating spirit of a cannibal...

do you have it?

are u ready?

chaos training taken to the next level...currently testing...til then...further discussion of said "chaos method" is on hold...while undergoing this evolution to this...its a new method of training...whether your tryin to get big and strong as fuck or whether your tryin to be a walkin talkin wall of granite..its for you. one requirement...YOU MUST BE WILLING TO WORK YOUR ASS OFF AND PUSH HARDER than you ever fuckin did...if you are..then u will undergoing one of the most badass mutations(not transformation!)of your life...


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

hard work or hardly workin

first..take a look at something i found to be interesting...when u look at this look at the dates of some of these records...even take a second look if you have to...

ok..did you see it? some of these records have been standing for damn near over 30 years...why is that right? i mean if the training methods of powerlifters are soo much better why are THESE records in particular still standin? then i go back to the countless texts and emails of having to explain why i train the way i train...and why i'm not doin singles..doubles...etc and why all the accessory work etc. remember the routines in plusa? the ones i did were loaded with volume...a late old friend of mine, nick winters, once texted me bill kazmaier's bench and dead and FUCK!! it was a LOT OF VOLUME and high reps...ed coan..same way...so was doug young. yet these guys look like they could do both sports...

so why is THAT way of training taboo to a powerlifter? one reason is PRIDE. lifters like knowing that they can do something in the gym ahead of the meet. the like hittin PRs with singles and doubles...some accessory work and callin it a day. here's some fuckin reality. GYM lifts don't fuckin matter...cuz that's all they are. so what u do a 400 bench in training...if u only get 355 in a meet...what does that tell ya about that particular PR? it holds no merit. i've seen geared lifters(sans chains and bands) take a weight and barely touch or barely hit parallel. what's the point? another fuckin point is CNS. it gets burned on these days and it fucks up everything else for the rest of the week unless your takin a week off or doin a deload. in all the meets i've done i've never done more than what i could in competition in training. did 550 touch and go raw sure but didn't do shit for me when i only got a 455 opener and missed 500. another thing i see is guys gettin down on themselves when they see someone bench 900 in a shirt and they are only doin 400 raw. can't compare these two. but i see this alot.

another reason...laziness. like i mentioned before..its easier to do singles...a few accessory movements and calling it a day. i trained with lifters that did just that while i wanted to fuckin work. there are no fuckin off days in training. when i get done with squats...hell the session just fuckin started for me and i got more work to do. when i look at logs of other lifters i see the lack of attention to the weak muscles they have on the BIG 3. makes sense to kill the hamstrings if they are quakin like a leaf on your deads. makes sense to hammer the back when ur unable to control the shakes on the bench. its not bodybuilding..its fuckin training. every muscle becomin stronger..makes YOU stronger. that's what the guys who have been holdin these records for 30+ years did...what makes us fuckin too good to work as hard if not harder than them? it doesn't. its basically not willin to do what it fuckin take to get the job done. its "hoping" that this is enough and when its not..make excuses...its better when someone shows u how to train..what do to do..how to do it..set by set..rep by rep...thus gettin comfortable and hard work is taboo...

"You know what I think? I think you're fucking scared. I think you need someone to tell you what you should do, what you should think and how you should feel. I think you take comfort in someone telling you to do x, y and z. The bottom line is you don't have the balls to trust yourself. If you want to stand half a chance in this game you better grow a set and learn to have the strength to stand by your convictions. How many times have you done something because someone else does it? Why? Why are you so quick to assume that someone else knows better than you? Damn, have some faith in yourself."- evan centopani

hence another reason..lifters are tryin to train like OTHER LIFTERS in some way. if this lifter did this..then it should work for me too..so they become robots..hence why things like high reps..high volume are taboo cause todays lifters don't do it. no matter the program or who wrote it..if your not workin hard...your gonna get out worked and out lifted. that is what strength training is all about...hard fuckin work. FUCK THE NUMBERS. just kill whatever is on the fuckin bar. period. take your fuckin head...remove it from your ass and do work. BOY.

here's my point with this. FUCKIN WORK! period. there is no substitute for this whether your raw or geared. work your ass off and not just on the BIG 3. its called strength training not strength TESTING. if your always TESTING your not getting STRONGER. don't fuckin fool yourself. you hit the plateau faster and harder and alot of it is PURE FUCKIN EGO! fuckin do some reps...ooh wait..that's work and not the way to get stronger...huh? tell bill kazmaier or ed coan that...i mean since ur better than them and all. i mean this shit pisses me off on how lifters think their way of training is better since the person tellin them their way is better holds a few records in A WEIGHT class...whoopie fuckin do! remove the ego and do fuckin work.

i remember doin bill gillespie's bench routine and yea i know he used gear BUT the amount of volume in that program was sick..it made u fuckin work for every rep and every plate loaded onto the bar. my bench went up FAST no question. what's wrong with this concept? this is what powerlifters back in the 70s and 80s did BEFORE westside barbell methods...531...etc...it was just basic periodization with some sort of high volume assistant work cause the name of the game is still gettin bigger and gettin stronger.

out of all this..i believe FOR sure its one thing..and agree to disagree...its the desire to want to get results quickly just like planet fitness advertises. wanna bench big? u can go raw or you can get a bench shirt and work less. i will give credit in strongman and bodybuilding...there are no shortcuts to the pro ranks and its not fuckin easy. u have to have IT inside you or u fuckin don't. powerlifting unfortunately is different. back in the old school days...there was ONLY ONE way of lifting...belt and wraps. it was POWERLIFTING. not raw..not equipped...POWERLIFTING. that was it. now there are different parts of the sport and so many feds so its easier to get a record..or be ranked higher...or be #1 in this fed...hence the desire for hardwork and heart to bleed and sweat is gone. hell u have no count "boys" who do a few geared meets then think they are the next coming of a badass lifter and haven't had the balls to go balls out in training.

and its not just powerlifters..there are other lifters..out there they are halfassin their training. "yea i got a good pump"..so what the fuck ever. if your not at the point where ur about to keel over or vomit..you haven't fuckin trained at all. i've seen lifters "play" with weight in the gym and not take shit serious. they are playin games. simple as that. this shit ain't a game so don't play like it is.

we've lost sight of the basics..hard work. THAT'S WHERE U PAY YOUR FUCKIN DUES and THAT'S THE FUN PART! u should be willing to work your ass off to get stronger. period. its the only thing i've noticed with these lifters that STILL hold those records fuckin busted their asses. there was no easy way out for them and how they trained was kinda hybrid...bodybuilding and powerlifting. some of the toughest routines i've done came from the era of these lifters. geez..i wonder why? did they want it more than today's lifters? were they more hungry? HELL YEA! u don't like that answer..too fuckin bad. when i watch a lifters' vid...all i see is lifting. what i don't see is the hunger and desire. diggin deep occurs in training not on the platform. u have to work your ass off day in and day out.

Quit all these halfassin training and callin it gettin stronger...and do some work. fuckin bleed...sweat and bleed some more and if u fuckin vomit..FUCKIN GOOD. fuckin go all out...train hard..train heavy..get intense. break away from what the "right way" is...erase limits and just fuckin lift. i admire how matt kroc trains..he went all out every session. left no doubt that he was fuckin ready for the platform..not by the weight he lifted but by the amount of hardwork and desire he had training. that's what we are supposed to fuckin do. if u have to take max attempts all fuckin day of every fuckin week...your not ready. you won't be. push yourself hard and harder in some fuckin way day in and day out.. someone will out work you and out lift you. see this vid below...and u know why matt kroc was never out worked or out lifted by anyone on the platform..

yes..he vomited in the end. it was awesome. that's intensity. that's hunger. that's desire. wake the fuck up and get your ass in the game and fuckin show the same shit or get out..get the fuck out now. i love it how lifters will make a "copout" for lack of intensity or hardwork. "i train in gear" or "this is how i train"...etc...pure excuses. your not workin..u bet your ass someone else out there is. your training sessions should be war...not a demonstration of how strong u are. its simple if your aint working..your not growing..your not gettin stronger and your ass is gonna be waxed in competition. i'm not talkin about 20 exercises or 5..just fuckin work. quit playing around and do some work. have u ever see how hard branch warren trains? there isn't a quit or give button with him. yes..i know he's a bodybuilder..but here's another example below:

so its simple...are u workin hard or hardly workin? hard work in the gym leads to resutls on the platform that speak for themselves..mentally and physically. why worry about preparing when your already ready for war? u put yourself thru hell in training to leave no question when its your time to dominate. its that simple and that's what everyone of those lifters who STILL hold records today have done. i will leave u with a doug young vid...no other words necessary.