Thursday, February 23, 2012

tHe fReAk fAcToR revisited

lets talk FREAK me what it means to have the FREAK FACTOR is the mindset to do what it takes to be the strongest...the best...and your hunger drives you daily. havin the THE FREAK FACTOR means not having no weaknesses...leaving no excuses...taking in all the pain and suffering and fuckin embracing it. having the FREAK FACTOR means doin what it fuckin matter what and at any know your not in it to play it safe. its a war your fighting not a battle... if your make no shut up and get fuckin stronger. period. the FREAK FACTOR is bein the ones who breaks the standards and create their own. what makes the FREAK FACTOR is FOUR things...HEART, HUNGER, INTENSITY, PASSION and the ability to be and go INSANE not because u neccessary but because you can. showing pure intensity and passion with every set...every rep..with every plate loaded on the bar...U HAVE NO FUCKIN RULES! their resolve is PRIMAL RESOLVE..."killer instinct combined with violent intentions to create an unshakeable resolve to be the strongest when being strong and the hunger to be stronger is all you have left"...this drives THE FREAK FACTOR.

the FREAK FACTOR is all about doin whatever the hell you want to at any time...any place...any where cause u can by being arrogant strong. yea. we talk to ourselves...we have that switch we flip on that turns on the FREAK FACTOR that all us cannibals possess. the FREAK FACTOR sees everything..whether be positive encouragement and/or negative criticism as fuel for their hunger...and thus truly making them unstoppable. why? cause their hunger doesn't end. that's one part of THE FREAK FACTOR that is logical. as long as we are hungry...we still continue to bang weights and stack plates...destroy records and conquer all that stands before us...and those that DARE to stand in our path. we have that bullheaded focus to not let shit stop us and having that PRIMAL RESOLVE to not be broken...only made to be stronger than before.

having the FREAK FACTOR means you stand out. you upset the balance in the world as a cannibal. people see that. they won't approach u cause as soon as they do...your liable to eat them for protein so u can be stronger....why? cause we are hungry. having that FREAK FACTOR is always challenging yourself cause your hungry...and like those starving for food...a cannibals starves for a challenge to destroy so it can mutate, destroy, and conquer...fuck evolution. the FREAK FACTOR is being driven by those pushing you and those that fear you...both fuel your hunger...the FREAK FACTOR makes nightmares in real life...the FREAK FACTOR isn't something your fuckin born with..its made from within. HEART, HUNGER, INTENSITY, AND PASSION that fuels the PRIMAL RESOLVE and driven to commit acts of insanity in the gym...that's what makes the FREAK FACTOR...the beating spirit of a cannibal...

do you have it?

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