Tuesday, March 27, 2012

tHe fReAk fAcToR method: high intensity sets

here's another method u can throw into your FF training. remember dorian yates way of HIT? this is exactly what it is but with a bit of a twist. remember don't knock HIT..it has ways of building muscle size AND strength as well. TIME UNDER TENSION remember? throw this in one exercise per bodypart. good way to change up from the fst-7 modification that was first introduced to you in the original post. if u haven't seen it...view it first: tHe fReAk fAcToR method

here's how to do it. its 4 sets total. 3 sets of 12 done HIT style with the weight goin up every set BUT NOT overshooting the reps every set...the goal is to concentrate on the 2 sec pause and 2 second ascent and explosion back to contracted position. on the final set is what i call a HIGH INTENSITY REST PAUSE(HRP) where your minimal reps is 12. sounds familiar? all we did was add in the use of HIT every set. u can use this as a pre-exhaust as well. make sure your reps are slow and controlled...2 seconds PAUSED...3 seconds down...with an explosion back to contracted position.

go and bust your ass now,

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