Thursday, November 10, 2011

"the chaos principle"

this is how i been training. best of both worlds really..if u like a cross between dorian yates/branch warren/doug young..keep reading.

how i approach this is this...i try every session to keep my body off balance as much as possible. this is how...these are the rules i follow when i think of doing a movement and/or session

1. when the weight goes up...the reps go up
2. when the weigh goes down...the reps go up
3. when u progressively increase weight...go to failure every set
4. if u do a "drop" set...juggle the weight every set...go to failure..doin a progressive drop(ie...200--150--180---120) OR...increase the weight slowly...and go to the opposite!!
5. when the weight stays the same...the reps increase every set
6. after your work sets...u perform an all out pause if necessary.
7. if u do a rest pause set...perform it HIT style and to failure
8. perform a pre-exhaust HIT set before doing a compound movement
9. perform maximum number of singles or doubles of a compound movement...then following it up with rest pause reps with a weight slightly less than what u were using for the doubles/singles. see below.
10. when performing is minimal...under a 1 min(compound movements...under 2 min).
11. when the reps stay the same...juggle the bar weight
12. when the reps go up...juggle the bar weight
13. do a pre-exhaust set before doin your heavy or work set(compound movements only)
14. change the order of your movements...where the compound movement isn't first nor 2nd...
15. do an all-out heavy set to fail...follow it up with a HIT RP set with a weight slightly less than what u were working with.

as you can see...there are "opposites"...things that u normally pretty much do in reverse. i try to think of it in that manner. we are all well trained athletes and used to a set numbers of reps, sets, and weight...our bodies and our minds "mentally" know this and puts up "barriers". this "chaos principle" literally throws chaos INTO your training. a lot of what i do is pre-exhaust my top end that when doin rest pause reps...i'm working a lot harder cause half of my strength is already gone. under those conditions...your getting bigger and stronger. i also switch up cadences...explosive or slow...working both fast and slow twitch fibers and time under tension and confusing the shit out of your body in the process. give these a shot when u train...just simple rules..i try not to make it too confusing...but it makes your sessions fun as hell too!!

reverse rep loading
this is working up to a NEAR max weight...then backing down and doing CST-8. example
BIG 3- 1RM
others- 2RM


this is doin a superset of two movements(u can do 3) and doin the following:
- 5 sets per movement
- weight goes up every set
- all reps to failure
- all reps slow and controlled

this is doin a superset of 3 movements
- 3 sets per movement
- weight goes up every set
- all reps to failure
- all reps slow and controlled

this is doing 3-4 sets.. one of two ways...
1- going to fail every set but the weight goes up
2- going to fail every set but the weight stays the same...
and then u can follow it up with drop sets..


this is done doin 2 sets of 2 first with 1-2min rest and then doin 2x3 with the same rest...these first four sets are done back to back just about...2 min rest and then with the SAME weight used on the previous sets...go to FAILURE...but mininum of reps to achieve must be more than 5 but failure..if u fail before 5 reps..u used too much weight...if u easily get over 10..the weight u used was too light...there are other combos u can do like this...LIKE...2x3/2x5/8+; 2x5/2x8/10+...2x10/2x20/ way to literally KILL it in 5 sets with mininum rest and balls to the wall...

juggled drop set

this is done ONE way. lets say your doin a drop set after db shoulder 50s down to's how this one is done...and its bit more HIGH intense and the pumps are insane!! 20s...40s...30s...50s...all to failure...keep in mind..i do this cause most of us...being well trained...are used to dropping weight and reps on drop sets...this kicks you in the ass cause your confusing the shit out of your body thinkin one way and you doin there is another way you can do this if your wanting to work down in weight...u would do this...40s...20s...50s...30s...

heavy triple plus w/ REST-PAUSE

this one i use mostly for the big 3. work up to what u would normally do a triple with...but the goal here is to overshoot that triple by 1-2 reps...when u do..add weight the next session and do it again. then back the weight down to something u would do for 8 reps...and do a total of 15+ REST PAUSE reps...meaning overshoot 15 reps within 3 mini sets.


beyond failure using rest pause technique : Warm up to a weight you can do around 6 to 8 reps maximum. Do your max reps (6-, then take 10 seconds of rest, do your maximum again (3-4), then take another 10 sec onds and and bust a couple more (1-3 reps)….
follow it up with 3 drop sets..juggled


i don't know what else to call usually done with some machine movement like pec dec, leg extensions..etc...and inspired by FST-7...its still 7 sets total...and the weight remains the same...the reps change every 2 sets with the final set bein a repout. so u start with 2x10...then 2x12...2x15...and finish with a repout on the final set. there is only 30 sec rest between the 2 sets...stretch after the 2nd set before the reps go up. so you'll be stretchin 4 times thruout this. you increase the weight when u manage to overshoot the what u did on the 6th set by 20 reps...other combos can be done like this...2x15; 2x20; 2x25; fail...etc...this is what i had to do when i ran out of weight to use on leg my quads had an insane pump from this cause of the limited amount of rest between sets...

from my brother, larry baker
Suicide Shock Sets- Chest Cable flys (from the top, around the tree motion ) 10 sets of 10, every 3 sets go up weight, last few sets should be cheating and grinding the muscle out. On the last set I dropped to the first weight I did and did a set of 20. I also did another "SSS" but with the cables come straight down like you are coming down lateral and flex the chest. Shit was hella fun and I had some double d's when I got done lol well not really lol

again..didn't know what else to call this...but i did this for a while with several rep juggle both weight and reps progressing upward. you find that even though u might be fatigued...your hitting whatever max weight u can hit for that's how it goes 2x5; 1x1; 2x3; 1x1; 1x1; 2x5 here's an idea for a squat day 405-2x5; 500x1; 455-2x3; 520x1; 545x1; 455-2x5 another rep varation if u wanted to do more rep work than singles... 2x5; 1x1; 2x3; 1x1; 2x5; 2x3 but u get the idea on the weights...the progressively go up throughout the sets...

HIT overload
this is performing 3 sets to failure doing HIT and progressing up in weight every set...simple. u can follow these with HIT drop sets or add in forced or negative reps.

beyond failure HIT DC(HRP)
this is doing DC reps (10+ reps total) HIT style.

CST failure
2-3 sets...weight stays the same
going up in reps every set til u hit 5 or lower in reps

CST reverse drop
this is doing the following...
all to fail.

this is doing the first set over 15 reps. 2nd set is doing HIT style to over 5 reps...back the weight down. then doing 3 sets...with the weight going up every set doing over 8 reps til u get barely 8 reps on your final set.

another variation
1-2x5(H) 2x8; 3 drop sets to fail

juggled countdown
1x2; 1x6; 1x4; 1x5; 1x3
weights is also juggled...progressing up

give this a shot and let me know how they work for ya....TB

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