Monday, November 14, 2011

prove yourself...or get out NOW!

there are people who are under the extreme delusion that just cause they bench 500 in the gym or look like they could be the next mr. olympia cause they like doin their favorite "pose" that they can call themselves as such. you see them..they usually are there maybe 2-3 days out of the week...don't work legs at all...and show off their best and only features and u may see them at the bar. but those are the people who under the delusion that they don't have to prove anything..not even to themselves. WRONG. bein in the gym is just the training grounds...prove your mettle in battle and see if your ass survives.

every man that has been the world's strongest man..have to prove themselves every year...every UFC champion have to prove themselves in every fight....every mr. olympia have to prove themselves every year. every powerlifter that has broken a major record...guess what..have to prove themselves. what makes us better than them right? it doesn't. the level of expectation is not the same anymore you have to step your fuckin game up or back the fuck down go back to bein a "gym hero". can't call yourself something that u haven't proven yourself to be yet. when u reach a level you have to prove yourself everytime. say what u want..its the truth. i love what i do and don't mind at all proving myself on the platform to me and others that i am what i am. its like a challenge to me. what is it that u have to prove right? i don't know if this is the correct answer but i would believe hunger and heart. this is always in the back of my mind after every meet and it pushes me to not be complacent in the gym...cause guess what? badasses aren't made there...the just train there. every badass in every sport proved it so in competition. no one gave a shit about their training...just wanted to see if these motherfuckers can produce in competition.

poundstone is a strong SOB in training...AND PROVED IT IN COMPETITION!

why is it that proving yourself in competition matter right? it puts u in battle with other competitors who are out to do the same. it forces you outside of your comfort zone and backs you into a corner where u have one of two things to can puss out or man up. there is no OPTION C motherfucker. proving yourself lifts the veils of delusion from your eyes and reveals the truth in battle about yourself and forces u to cower silently or rise up and grow. question is who are u proving yourself to? yourself. period. that's all that matters and by the way, you can't prove yourself in the gym. that's just where u fuckin train...where u put in work. you don't fuckin get credit for doin something your already supposed to be doin. there is a fuckin reason why powerlifters, bodybuilders, fighters, and strongman competitors aren't called as such til they do a competition and prove themselves to be so at EVERY competition...kinda like being knighted. i had a friend that called himself a powerlifter just cause he trained with me. i told him he wasn't deserving of that title til he did a meet. and i was serious. gladiators couldn't call themselves gladiators unless they fought in the arena. its the truth. u want such a title? u gotta bleed and sweat for it. otherwise you would insult those who bleed and sweat for greatness in their sport to be called as such. either that or call your mommie and have her tell you...i'm pretty sure she could do that.

bottom line...proving yourself pushes you beyond your comfort zone and forces you to step your game up. you constantly demand more from yourself every training session...and every competition. you wanna be called a badass? gotta fuckin prove it in the toughest..harshest conditions...competition. not the fuckin gym where everyone is a champion but didn't bleed for it. if that was the case...then everyone would call themselves a UFC fighter in training. they fuckin got the title as such when they fought in the octagon. period. and every fight after that they have to prove that they are a UFC fighter. wanna be called a champion? guess what gotta earn the title first and once u earn it you have to prove your a champion over and over again. that's what the mindset of a warrior would do cause they are hungry for more and never satisfied. period. otherwise your just a douchebag wannabe who don't want to push themselves cause they are a scared of a little blood. when your up against the best and toughest competition it damn sure pushes u to a whole new that can't be reached by solely training in the fuckin gym.

captain kirk proved he was a world class lifter at every meet...not JUST in training

don't live in a damn delusion with your ego. if u bench 500 in the gym. prove it in competition. make it legit. if you have a good physique...prove it in competition. BE legit. if your a solid fighter in training...PROVE IT by being legit. world is full of fuckin posers so put your ass to the fire and see if u burn. that's what competition partly is...proving yourself. i'll give kimbo slice credit...he showed that he was a badass on the youtube vids...and then stepped up and went into the UFC and just won a boxing match recently. say what u want...he proved he was legit and not fake. prove yourself in battle. its that simple. train like a madman and prove it when the battle comes. PROVE that your different and separate from the other gymrats and posers and that your aiming to be something great. PROVE that you have a warriors' mindset. PROVE that your not just another fuckin lifter. PROVE that your legit...PROVE IT to yourself or get the fuck out now. pussies aren't allowed and neither are posers. prove yourself that your a badass.

so shut your ass up and DO somethin!

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