''If you are not in 100% get the fuck out now.''- Andrew ''Machine'' Giordonello
its back mafuckers...glad your up this late to come to my new blog. i'll be posting up my thoughts here as well as my training method. of course new vids of some iron brutality across the net as well as some from me. before we go further let me tell you that i'm a powerlifter...thru and thru...i have bodybuilder tendencies. so what! i do a lot of crazy shit in the gym...even shit powerlifters' shouldn't do(and there's a list). i don't conform to norm of either sport nor no one and believe to be a game changer u have to set your own rules. i don't believe in limits and believe that every weakness should be trained. i train balls to the wall..literally little no rest..hard and heavy...fuckin works and its not for the lazy. i'm psycho about the iron. its all i do. when i fail. i man up..and fix it. when i succeed, i become hungrier. I HAVE A MISSION..to be a living and walkin fuckin nightmare in both sports. plain and simple. to be a fuckin nightmare..u gotta do scary shit..shit no one else have the fuckin balls to do and do that..u have to have a killer instinct to go into battle and wage war 24-7 again the iron...against your competition. this shit isn't game to me...its my fuckin life. i don't play to win...i fuckin go for the kill for that's what true warriors...berserkers fuckin do.
so if your down for that..stick around. if not..get out...get out NOW!
welcome to the world of chaotic brutality...
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