Wednesday, November 16, 2011

methods of chaos- november 2011

when i'm training like to experiment with new training methods cause part of chaos training is changing up how u do an exercise and here a few ways to change up how u do an exercise for those that are lookin to build size as well as power

doug of the most physically dominant powerlifters ever...the fuckin first juggernaut, bitches!

doug young method
i did some research into how doug young trained(one person who exemplifies what i means to be a "hybrid" lifter) and oddly enough it was very simple but VERY tough to do...its 4 sets total. 3 of those sets are to 6 reps but the 4th set is to failure or what i call 6 plus reps..meaning you HAVE do more than 6 reps. 10 is the limit on this last set. u gauge the weight u move up by addin 5lbs per rep after the prescribed reps. so if u do seated militaries..and u do 315 for 3 sets of 6...and on the last set u did 8 reps with would add 20lbs to the weight the next week. this is slow and progressive strength. 531 was built around this concept and so is juggernaut BUT this is the original method...simple. uses for this on accessories as well as the BIG 3 are huge...

max rep load method
as you all know i'm a big fan of plus rep sets where u do more than the prescribed reps. it works for a number of reasons BUT one of them is pushing you BEYOND failure. failure is hittin a rep and not bein able to do more...BEYOND failure is hittin more reps past that point. this method i experimented with and loved. it works in 4 sets. the first set is to 6+ reps. the 2nd set is to 8+ reps. 3rd set is to 10+ reps. 4th set if to absolute matter the reps. this method will check your ego...and it will catch up to you on the 3rd set when your forced to do more than 10 reps. the weight stays the same throughout the 4 sets. the idea applies to chaos training...if ur used to addin weight every set...flip it. add reps every set. this forces your body beyond failure at all costs.

this is simple. your doin sets of 20 reps...with the weight moving up every set and u do 20 rep sets til u can't do another set of 20. that's it. its called "killer20s" for a reason. did these on pushdowns and fuck! loved it!

triple threat method(3-3-3)
this is can be used on most barbell movements. the first movement is done at the top end(lockout portion) for up to a 3RM...the 2nd movement is done to 3 singles for speed a the bottom end(below or deficit range of motion) and the 3rd movement is the MAIN movement itself done to triple plus reps. meaning to fail..over 3 reps. 6 reps being the max before weight goes up. here's an example on bench:
1st movement: 3 board bench press
2nd movement: dead bench
3rd movement: bench press

another one for seated militaries:
1st movement: high pin presses or wide overhead presses
2nd movement: dead militaries
3rd movement: seated militaries

usually the total amount of sets done is 9 sets total. this will help bring up any lagging weaknesses of any lift by working the three different areas of ROM.

give these new methods of try...remember chaos training is all about creating a chaotic environment to unlock muscular growth and strength gains...

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